Social Room, 3/F Won Hing Building 旺興大廈, 74-78 Stanley Street, Central, Hong Kong
Party Venue Roadmap
It takes around 5-6 minutes of walking distance from Central MTR exit D1 to the party venue. You can simply follow the blue dot route (via Stanley Street) of the map below.
You should find a Jockey Club center 馬會 on the left, and a Fairwood restaurant 大快活 on the right, when you walk along the Stanley Street. Just walk along the street until you see the overhead bridge.
You should find a 7-11 in the crossroad under the bridge. Just pass it and continue to walk straight a few more steps.
Building Entrance
The entrance of Won Hing Building 旺興大廈 is just next to 小雨天dumpling restaurant on your left.
Take the lift to 3/F and you would reach the big and well-decorated party venue, the Social Room.
Please approach Gilbert (party organizer) in the reception counter for ticking attendance before entry and settle payment (if necessary).
Have great fun and make some new friends!!!
If you still can't find the venue by following above instructions, please call Gilbert @9840 0249 for inquiry.